fireball (1601) - Zugzwanged (1731)
Result: 1/2-1/2
Site: Internet Chess Club
Date: 2017.11.17
[...] 1.e4 e6 2.¤f3 c5 3.d4 Transforming into a Smith-Morra Gambit - my favorite opening! 3...cxd4 4.c3 dxc3 5.¤xc3 ¤c6 6.¥c4 d6 7.O-O ¥e7 8.£e2 ¤f6 9.¦d1 e5 10.b4 If he takes it ... 10...¥g4 If he takes it this allows... (10...¤xb4 11.¤xe5) 11.a3 ¤d4 12.¥b5 ¤d7 13.£d3 ¤xf3 14.gxf3 ¥e6 15.¤d5 White recovers Gambit pawn here 15...O-O Or if.. (15...¥xd5 16.£xd5 a6 17.¥c4 O-O 18.£xb7 a5 19.bxa5 ¤c5 20.£b4 ¦xa5) 16.¤xe7 £xe7 17.£xd6 £xd6 18.¦xd6 ¤b6 19.¥e3 ¤c4 20.¥xc4 Here is a line I missed.... White grabs a pawn here. (20.¦xe6 ¤xe3 21.¦xe5 ¤c2 22.¦a2 ¤d4 23.¢g2 ¦ad8 24.¥e2 a6) 20...¥xc4 21.¢g2 ¥b3 22.¦d7 b6 23.¦c1 ¦fd8 24.¦xd8 ¦xd8 White playing for a draw, as per posted results that was needed for U1600 win. 25.¦c7 ¦a8 26.¢f1 ¢f8 27.f4 exf4 28.¥xf4 b5 29.f3 ¥c4 30.¢f2 a5 31.¥d6 ¢e8 32.bxa5 ¦xa5 33.¥b4 This avoids Black's rook coming in to annoy White's King and pretty well locks down the draw. 33...¦a8 34.¦c6 ¢d7 35.¦d6 ¢e8 36.h4 ¦d8 37.¦xd8 ¢xd8 38.¢e3 ¢d7 39.e5 ¢e6 40.f4 ¢f5 Hoping to get Qg4 41.¢f3 ¥d5 42.¢g3 ¥e6 43.¥f8 g6 44.¥b4 f6 45.exf6 ¢xf6 46.¥d6 ¢f5 47.¥e7 ¢e4 48.¥b4 ¥f5
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