Sunday, April 29, 2018

T76 Highlights: Round 2

fireball wins with the Smith-Morra Gambit! . 
One of my favorite openings - key after gambiting the pawn is keeping the pressure on.

fireball (1593) - az2112 (1528)

Result: 1-0
Site: Internet Chess Club
Date: 2018.04.07
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.¤xc3 ¤c6 5.¤f3 d6 6.¥c4 ¤f6 7.O-O Pushing e pawn early here is an option...
7.e5 ¤g4 (7...dxe5 8.£xd8 ¢xd8 9.¤g5 ¤a5 10.¥xf7) 8.exd6 £xd6 9.£xd6 exd6 10.¤b5 ¦b8 11.¥f4 ¤ge5
7...e6 8.£e2 ¥e7 9.¦d1 ¥d7 10.¤b5 £b8 11.¥f4 e5 12.¥g5 Keeps attack going - Bg3 is too passive... 12...a6 13.¥xf6! Disrupting pawn structure and delaying Black castle... 13...gxf6 14.¤c3 b5 15.¥b3
15.¥d5 £b6 16.¥xc6 £xc6 17.¤d5 ¦c8 18.£d2 h5 19.¦ac1 £b7 20.¦xc8 ¥xc8 21.¤h4 ¦g8 22.g3 ¦g4 23.f3 ¦g5 24.¢g2 £b8 25.¦c1 ¥d8 26.¤e3 ¥e6
15...¤a5 16.¥c2 ¤c4 17.¥d3 ¥e6 18.¤d5 ¤b6 19.¤e3 £b7 20.¤h4 d5?21.exd5!21...¤xd5 22.¥e4 (22.£f3 ¥c5 23.¤hf5 £b6 24.¤xd5 ¥xf2 25.¢h1 ¥xd5 26.£xd5) 22...f5 And it's over for Black. I thought about this move below, which looks good at first blush but fails to the B check which gives back a tempo... (22...¤c3 23.¥xb7 ¤xe2 24.¢f1 ¦b8 25.¥c6 ¢f8 26.¢xe2) 23.¤hxf5 £d7 24.¤xd5
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T76 Highlights: Round 2

Tobiasdelmonte shows how to play a QG - lots of great tactics and a key sacrifice. 
This is the sort of game I love. White's King was engineered into an inescapable position after setting up a mating net and a sacrifice.

Tobiasdelmonte (1668) - Konstantinos (1658)

Result: 1-0
Site: Internet Chess Club
Date: 2018.04.01
[...] 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.¤f3 ¤f6 4.¤c3 e6 5.¥g5 ¥e7 6.e3 ¤bd7 7.¦c1 b6 8.cxd5 cxd5 9.¥b5 ¥b7 10.¤e5 O-O 11.¤c6 ¥xc6 12.¥xc6 ¦c8 13.¥a4 ¤e8? Opens the door for a nice combination! 14.¥xe7 £xe7 15.¤xd5 exd5 16.¦xc8 Advantage White - just need to finish it! 16...£b4 17.¢f1 ¤df6 18.¥xe8 ¦xe8 19.¦xe8 ¤xe8 20.£c2 White is up exchange and a pawn but Black still has resources... 20...¤d6 21.g3 g6 22.¢g2 a5 23.h4 £b5 24.h5 Keep attack going with pawn push to open Rook file!! 24...£e8 25.hxg6 hxg6 26.b3 £e7 27.£e2 ¤f5 28.£f3 £e6 29.£f4! And not a lot Black can do here... 29...f6 Best defense for Black looks like
29...¤g7 30.£b8 ¤e8 31.£e5 £xe5 32.dxe5 g5 33.¦h6 b5 34.¦b6 b4 35.¦b5 a4 36.bxa4 ¢g7 37.¦xb4 ¤c7
30.£b8 ¢f7 31.¦h7
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