Saturday, January 27, 2018

T75 Highlights: Round 2

Ajolote wins a wild one - lots of great tactics and a key sacrifice. 
This is the sort of game I love. White's King was engineered into an inescapable position after setting up a mating net and a sacrifice.

ANGELLR (1878) - Ajolote (1860)

Result: 0-1
Site: Internet Chess Club
Date: 2017.12.27
[...] 1.d4 ¤f6 2.¥f4 e6 3.e3 ¥d6 4.¥g5 O-O 5.¤f3 ¥e7 6.c4 b6 7.¤c3 d5 8.¥d3 h6 9.¥h4 ¥b7 10.¦c1 ¤bd7 11.h3 dxc4 12.¥xc4 ¤e4 13.¥xe7 £xe7 14.¤xe4 ¥xe4 15.O-O ¤f6 16.¤e5 ¦fd8 17.¥b5 c5 18.¥c6 ¦ac8 19.¥xe4 ¤xe4 20.£d3 £b7 21.¦fd1 £d5 22.f3 ¤g3 23.¢h2 ¤f5 24.g4 If he plays the obvious e4.... (24.e4 £xd4 25.£xd4 ¤xd4) 24...cxd4 25.¦xc8 ¦xc8 26.exd4 ¤d6 27.£a3 ¦c2 28.¢g3 a5 29.¦d3 g5 Computer says one could go straight to the Ne4 sacrifice, though it's not obvious...
29...¤e4 30.fxe4 £xe4 31.¤f3 g5 32.¦d2 ¦xd2 33.¤xd2 £f4 34.¢g2 £xd2 35.¢f1 £d1 36.¢g2 £xd4 Black is winning here with 2 pawns up and a passed pawn - back to the real game!
30.¤d7?? White must trade Qs! (30.£b3 £xb3 31.¦xb3 b5 Black is a little ahead here ) 30...¢g7
30...¤f5 Stops the Qf8 check and opens K up 31.gxf5 £xd7 32.¦c3 Stops the immediate check and mate with Qc7 32...¦d2 33.fxe6 fxe6 34.d5 exd5 35.¦c6 (35.b3 £e6 36.£a4 h5 37.h4 £e5 38.£f4 £xf4) 35...£xc6
31.¤xb6 Mate in 6.. 31...¤e4!!32.fxe4 £xe4 33.¦f3 £e1
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